2024 Content Marketing Predictions That MSPs Need to Know About

Content marketing is the lifeblood of businesses. It’s a powerful way to attract and engage your audience, build trust and authority, and drive conversions.

But just as technology is evolving at a rapid pace, content marketing is also changing to keep up. For example, remember about 20 years ago when radio and newspaper ads were a thing? Now, Google Ads, SEO, and podcast spots are the place to be… for now.

So, what are the trends and strategies that will shape content marketing in 2024? Here are some predictions you should know about so you can incorporate them into your MSP marketing plan this year.

Uncovering Marketing Trends Essential for IT Businesses

Staying attuned to the dynamic landscape of content marketing is imperative for companies seeking success this year and beyond. By keeping up with emerging trends, IT business owners ensure the relevance and engagement of their content, aligning it with evolving consumer preferences.

This proactive approach not only provides a competitive edge but also allows businesses to adapt to changing behaviors, optimizing content performance across search engines and social platforms. Basically, it helps ensure that you can still attract new leads and customers as the world – online and off – continues changing.

In a digital environment marked by constant flux, MSPs that are on top of emerging trends are better positioned for sustained success and audience loyalty. Here are the top trends to prepare for this year.

Interactive Content Takes Center Stage

Interactive content has been gaining traction, and in 2024, it’s poised to become the focal point of content marketing strategies. Interaction invites the user to participate and provide feedback, encouraging them to continue engaging with your business.

Examples of interactive content include:

  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Surveys
  • Calculators
  • Games
  • Augmented Reality experiences

Interactive content not only captures attention but also provides valuable data on user preferences and behaviors, enabling companies to personalize their marketing efforts.

Rise of Audio and Voice Search Optimization

With the growing popularity of voice-enabled devices like Alexa and Google Home, audio content will play a more significant role in content marketing strategies. Companies will optimize their content for voice search, ensuring that it aligns with the way people naturally speak.

Forty-one percent of those in the US listen to a podcast each month, and 28% listen weekly.

Podcasts, audiobooks, and voice-activated content will also become integral components of content marketing, catering to audiences who prefer consuming information through audio formats.

Sustainability Storytelling

As environmental concerns take center stage globally, brands will incorporate sustainability into their storytelling. Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their choices, and they expect the companies they do business with to reflect similar values.

Content marketing will include the incorporation of sustainable practices, eco-friendly initiatives, and corporate responsibility, fostering a connection with environmentally conscious audiences.

Long-Form Content Makes a Comeback

While short-form content has dominated the digital landscape lately, long-form content will experience a resurgence in 2024. In-depth blog articles, comprehensive guides, and detailed case studies provide value to audiences seeking in-depth information.

Search engines also often favor longer content for its depth and authority, contributing to improved SEO performance.

Personalization with Help from AI

Content will be more personalized. As consumers demand more relevant and tailored experiences, MSPs will need to leverage data and technology to create content that adapts to the user’s preferences, behavior, and context. For example, content may change based on the user’s location, device, time of day, or previous interactions.

Personalized content drives a 20% increase in sales opportunities.

How do you get that detailed personalization efficiently? Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to revolutionize content marketing by enabling this hyper-personalization. AI algorithms will analyze user behavior, preferences, and historical data to deliver tailored content experiences. This level of personalization enhances user engagement, as consumers are more likely to interact with content that resonates with their individual needs and interests.

Along with personalizing content for potential prospects, that content will also need to be more diverse and inclusive. As the world becomes more diverse and connected, IT businesses will need to reflect and celebrate the diversity of their audience and customers. This means creating content that is respectful, inclusive, and accessible to people of different backgrounds, cultures, identities, abilities, and perspectives.

Authentic Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing will continue to thrive, but authenticity will be the key differentiator. Brands will collaborate with influencers who genuinely align with their values and resonate with their target audience.

Authenticity builds trust, and consumers are more likely to engage with content when they perceive influencers as genuine advocates rather than mere endorsers.

This type of trust is generally built on social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. While it takes time for consumers to build that trust with an influencer, once they do, that influencer’s endorsement carries a lot of weight with their followers.

Video Content Evolution

Video content will undergo a transformation in 2024, with a focus on short-form, snackable videos for quick consumption. Additionally, the integration of interactive elements within videos, such as clickable hotspots and branching narratives, will enhance user engagement.

Live streaming will also gain prominence as businesses leverage real-time interactions to connect with their audience authentically. Whether you live stream, post video content regularly, or do both – video is a key area to have included in your marketing strategy for maximum exposure.

Read more: Tips for Making Video Promotion Impactful & Engaging for Your IT Business

More Visual & Immersive Content Experience

Content will be more visual and immersive. As technology advances, IT businesses will have more opportunities to create content that engages the user’s senses and emotions.

For example, content may use augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or mixed reality (MR) to create immersive experiences that transport the user to another place or time. Content may also use 3D models, animations, or videos to showcase products or services in a realistic and captivating way.

Content Experience Platforms (CXPs) will become essential tools for content marketers. These platforms go beyond content management systems, providing a holistic approach to creating, managing, and optimizing content. CXPs focus on delivering a seamless and personalized content experience across various channels, ensuring a cohesive brand presence.

More Strategic & Measurable

Content will be more strategic and measurable. As content marketing becomes more competitive and complex, MSPs will need to have a clear strategy and goals for their content creation and distribution.

Companies will need to align their content with their business objectives, target audience, buyer journey, and brand voice. MSPs will also need to measure and analyze the performance of their content using metrics such as traffic, engagement, leads, conversions, retention, and revenue.

Doing all that on your own can take a lot of time. One easy way to check this box is to get help from an experienced marketing provider that specializes in IT businesses – like Tech Marketing Engine.

Emphasis on Collaborative & Social Content

Content will be more collaborative and social. As social media platforms evolve and expand, IT businesses will need to create content that encourages social sharing and interaction.

MSPs will need to leverage the power of user-generated content (UGC), social proof, groups, and online communities to amplify their reach and credibility. They will also need to engage with their audience and customers on social media platforms by responding to comments, questions, reviews, or feedback.

Ephemeral content (content that lasts only a short time), such as stories on social media platforms, will also play a more significant role in 2024. Brands will leverage the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) factor associated with temporary content to drive engagement. This form of content is well-suited for authentic, behind-the-scenes glimpses, promotions, and limited-time offers, creating a sense of urgency among consumers.

Keep Your Marketing Strategy Evolving & Growing Your IT Business

In conclusion, 2024 promises to be an exciting year for content marketing, marked by innovation and a focus on user-centric strategies. IT businesses that embrace interactive, personalized, and authentic content will be well-positioned to connect with their audience in meaningful ways.

By staying informed and adapting to these predicted trends, MSPs can navigate the evolving content marketing landscape successfully. Leveraging these strategies, you can create content that delivers value to your leads and customers and helps you achieve your business goals.

If you need help enhancing your marketing strategy, reach out to us today. We are a team of experienced MSP marketing experts who care about helping you grow your business.

How do you plan to evolve your content marketing strategy in 2024? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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